7 Vital Steps to Take Before Moving into Your New Home


Moving into a new house is a daunting affair. You have packing to do, removalists to hire, kids to console and a whole host of other responsibilities to take care of before the ordeal is over. While juggling these various tasks before your move, it is easy to overlook something important. Before the chaos of the big day when you set off with all your possessions in tow, you can make your arrival in your new home so much less stressful if you prepare a few things in advance, before the boxes and clutter take over. 

Don't make the mistake of moving into your new home without doing these 7 things first. 

Hire Some Cleaners

If you haven't had the opportunity to really scout out your new place, you might want to hire some cleaners to go in first. Remember, you aren't the only ones moving. The previous tenants may have upped and left in a hurry, leaving you with grime-filled hallways and rooms. Unpacking is bad enough without having to dust yourself off after every box and clean every surface before being able to put anything anywhere. 

Refinish Floors

If your budget allows for it, it would probably be a good idea to refinish your new floors before you move your stuff in. Otherwise you could be in for a real patience-testing nightmare later when you find out your adopted flooring is less than adequate. 

Paint, Paint, Paint!

While you obviously like the layout and design of your new home, you might not necessarily have the same taste in color as the previous tenants. Get your painting done well in advance of moving in. 

Pare Down Your Possessions

Before you start packing, have a real good think about whether the thing you are about to wrap will be worth all the hassle when it comes to unpacking. This is your chance to not only get rid of things you don't need, but also to save yourself the trouble of trying to find space in your new home. 

Bug Bombs

You never know what creepy crawlies might be lurking in your new home. A few days before you move in, set off a few bug bombs just in case. 

Protect Your Privacy

Arrange for curtains, blinds, shades, drapes or whatever you prefer to be in place before you move in, otherwise you'll end up putting on a show for your new neighbors as you unpack.

Set Up Beds And Keep One Room Box-Free

This step is crucial to your sanity. Make beds in preparation for the moment when you feel about ready to collapse from exhaustion after a hard day's moving. Also keep one room free of clutter and boxes, with maybe just a couch, where you can escape the mess for a breather or two. 

By following these steps before your next move, you can avoid the stress that comes from realizing there is even more work to be done in your new home than you realized. 


31 August 2016

Moving on a budget

Moving can be really expensive! But I move regularly for one reason or another, and I've become pretty good at moving on a budget. I can always find a cheap removalist and get some great deals on packing supplies. I also have some good tips on smart packing to reduce the amount of boxes that you need to move, which can help to minimise the costs as well. People are always impressed with my budgeting mojo, so I thought it would be good to start a blog to share my tips as well as create a place for others to share their ideas on moving on a budget.